
Transformers: Burning Fury (S2) - Episode 8

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Transformers: Burning Fury - Season 2

Episode 8: The Human Terror

It is a beautiful day in a City, as a GAWOA limo drives down the street. Inside the Limo, Jessica reads the newspaper whilst listening to the radio. Just then, a beep is heard, before she puts the newspaper down for a moment, then taps an "answer call" button.

Jessica: Jessica August speaking.

Mike: Hello, Jessica. Mike here. Listen, you're not too busy right now, are you?

Jessica: Not yet, I'll be at the meeting with president's minister in 40 minutes. Whats wrong?

Mike: Oh, nothing too serious. Just wondering if you're free tonight, that's all. ^^

Jessica: I am and-- Hold on, you said you were going to ask Sophie out.

Mike: Well, she's got a date tonight with that guy she met, y'know, back when we sort-of kidnapped Amy, remember?

Jessica: Hm, yes, I remember all too well, Mike... Well, I'll be free after this meeting.

Mike: Well that's good, because Optimus is wanting to give us his usual updates on further Decepticon activity. And, well, you know how him and me don't chat very well.

Jessica: Well, this meeting won't take too long, Mike. Tell him I'll contact him, just as soon as I finish. Anything else?

Mike: No, ma'am. That's about all.

Jessica: Good, see you when I can. *hangs up* 

The driver driving, focused on the road, then out of the window's view mirror, before he notices a green BMW behind them.

Driver: We seem to have someone on our tail, Ma'am.

Jessica: Hmm? *she looks behind her. Even thought is black view window, she could still see through it* Hmm, probably just some commuter. Nothing to worry about

Driver: All due respect, it's been following us for 10 minutes.

Then, all in a split second, the passener from the BMW - what appears to be a masked stranger in black armour - pokes out fromt he window with a AK-47, then aims at the Limo's back tyres, which then explodes on impact.

Jessica: !! What in New York's-- 

She was cut short as the limo maneuvers out of control and hits a light pole. The BMW then parks next to it, then three armed masked men get out and run to the Limo, as the nearby citizen's flee in panic. One of the men walks to the Limo's car door, before then receiving a call, via his headpiece.

????: Leave no trace of her remains. I want there to be no evidence.

The man then breaks the window with his rifle, smashing it into pieces, causing Jessica to scream in panic. She looks as she stares at the AK-47, just as the man aims right at her, through the rear window.

Jessica: No... Please...!

Then, a beeping horn is heard twice. The gunmen looks, as a familiar looking IAG Guardian Armoured Vehicle pulls over. Then, as the driver's window retracts, an Army driver leans out.

??: Hey! Might I ask what you guys are doing out here, threatening an innocent civilian in a limo for?

The gunmen flee to their car, get in and then the driver drives them all away, before being caught by the police.

??: *watches as the cowards retreat and drive away* Huh, so much for showmanship... 

The man then suddenly vanishes, as a holographic projection. And just then, the entire vehicles transforms, in the robot form of Autobot Wisecrack.

Wisecrack: Oh well, at-least I got their number. Their license plate number, that is. ^_^

The driver gets out of the limo, runs to the near, seeing Jessica climbing out of the window and onto the pavement

Jessica: I-I'll be ok *holds her cut arm, which got cut by flying glass*

Wisecrack: *kneels down to her level, gently supporting her back uptight* Worry not, ma'am! Their vandalising days are over. ^^

Jessica: *looks* Thank goodness you were around, Wisecrack.

Wisecrack: Ah no problem, even on scouting, I always come to aid. Although, I'd get that wound checked out immediately, if I were you.

Jessica: -nod- 'Steven' call Mike.

Steven: Going to now, ma'am.

Jessica: They nearly got me....again....

WIsecrack: Wait, you've seen them before? :?

Jessica: I have....

Later on, on the News...

News reporter: Terror nearly became a reality, as Miss August, head of GAWOA, was nearly shot down by group of men this morning. She is unharmed, with only a slight cut on the arm and cheek.

At GAWOA HQ, Jessica, without her purple cardigan, gets her bandage up by Mike.

Mike: Jessica, you should've mentioned where you were travelling today! I could've served as your backup.

Jessica: I know, but you had other matters to attend to. And besides, those guy knew where I was going, like the last time. Frankly, if it weren't for the Autobot Wisecrack...

Sophie: Hm! *folds her arms* Well, just like the last time, those Reporters failed to mention that it was an Autobot which came to your rescue. -_-

Staff: *runs in* The Autobots are here, ma'am.

In GAWOA's hangar, the hangar door opens up, as Optimus Prime drives into the giant garage area, accompanied by both Wisecrack, Ratchet, Melita and a couple of recent newcomers; one in the form of a blue Honda FCEV Concept, and the other in the form of an orange/blue Australian COE truck (Mk1). As Jessica walks over to greet the six present Autobots, they transform to robot mode.

Wisecrack: Ah, Jessie! Nice to see you're back up on your feet again. ^^

Jessica: Thank you, Wisecrack.

Wisecrack: Anytime, honey. ^_~

???: You ask me, Wisecrack, heroism is merely an excuse for denting one's paint-job. >.>

????: Will you quit going on about your paint-job? It keeps giving me a processor-ache! Makes me wanna smash something...!

Jessica: *looks at them both, then back at Optimus* New recruits of yours?

Optimus: -nod- Recent new arrivals - Survivors whom received my message in coming to Earth. Combat specialist 'Tracks', and Demolition expert 'Huffer'.

Tracks: Nice to meet you, Miss.

Huffer: Yeah, same here, like he said.

Optimus: Jessica? We need to discuss about the events from earlier. You say, you have seen these attackers before.

Jessica: I have... When my Dad... Was... *looks down*

Optimus: *soon realises* Forgive me, Jessica. I had no idea. :(

Jessica: No... No it's ok. It was a few weeks after Elita saved me from that collapsing glacier, and my parents were coming home from grandma's

In the flashback, at night, the limo drives down a road, with the August family travelling inside.

Jessica: *voice only* After the trip involving Elita, we came home. We went to see my grandma, and just before we left, she gave a toy as a gift.

A young Jessica playing with her toy car, making a horn noise.

Jessica's Dad: You like you new toy, huh? ^^

Jessica: -nod- She's the best Grandma ever!

Jessica's Mum: It was nice of her to give you a gift. *looks up ahead, seeing what appears to be road works* Dear?

Dad: *looks also* Hmm, must be some construction up ahead. Driver, do you know a shortcut?

Driver: Just the one nearby, sir. It'll take us an hour to get back.

Dad: Take that shor--

Suddenly, they're rammed by an incoming green car.

Dad: !? What the!?

Jessica yells in frightm as the Limo gets rammed by the green car again. Her mother holds on to her, as with enough force, the Limo is nudged into a nearby ditch. Jess' Father holds his head, as he looks, seeing his family still alive, even the driver.

Dad: Are you alright, Jessica?

Jessica: *nods* Y-Yes.

The Father then uses his leg to kick the rear door open. As he gets it open and about to get out, he looks up, gasping to see two masked soldiers with weapons aiming straight at him, with a man without a mask standing in-between two masked soldiers.

????: Ah, Samuel August. We meet again, at last.

Samuel: -shocked- You.... But you're dead!

????: Ah, but I am not so easily destroyed, as my continued existence demonstrates.

Jessica gasps in horror, as she hugs her dad in fright.

Jessica: W-Who are they, Daddy!?

????: Who we are, little girl, is not important. Now then, Samuel, my old friend, time we got back down to business... Get out of the car.

Jessica's eye widen as Samuel hands her to his wife.

Samuel: It'll be okay. Just stay with Mum.

Jessica: *narration* I was terrified.... I never knew we were being targeted.

Wife: What do you want with him!?

????: Never you mind, madam. It's merely just business. Guards, take him!

The guards grab Samuel and drag him out of the Limo.

Jessica: DAD!!!


Samuel: If you dare hurt my family, I--

????: They won't be harmed, it is you I want after-all. Now, let's go.

???: *aims his gun* But, you try to follow us, you WILL be harmed.

Jessica looks on, helpless as the men take Samuel away, by putting him in the green car, then driving off with him.

Jessica: *voice only* After they left, my mom called our company, then the police. A week passed, and we searched for my dad. But ,that day, when I got home from School...

Jessica walks down the street towards her home, then she notices a limo and some police cars parked outside her house. She runs to her house, runs up the steps then opens the door, then runs into the lviing room, seeing men with suits, and two police officers with her mother, who's on the couch, face in her hands, sobbing uncontrolably.

Jessica: What's going on? What is all this??

Officer: *looks at Jessica* Miss. August? I'm afraid we have bad news. *kneels down, lightly holding Jessica's hand* I'm afraid... Your father won't be coming back. :(

Jessica: *voice only* The moment I heard "He won't be coming back", I knew then....He was gone...

End of flashback...

Jessica: *picks up a picture of her father, with her as a child* I swore, when I took my dad's place, I will find that man who took him from me... *wipes a tear away* I feel better, knowing I told someone I can truely trust...

Optimus: *nods* You have our full support, Jessica. With our help, we will find this man and bring him to justice, once and for all.

Melita: Luckly, Wisecrack got the Licence plate of that car that attacked you, lass.

Wisecrack: You know it. Read it an' weep! *shows an image of it, via a holo-projector in his hand*

Ratchet: Seems like we've got one clue already. But, will it be enough?

Optimus: We'll make it count, Ratchet, for now...

Meanwhile, during Sophie's date, which is in a resturant, she drink a cup of tea with a man, celary the guy whom asked her out.

Sophie: Thank you, for asking me out.

David Smyth: Oh, it was no problem, Sophie. This restaurant was only a phone-call away. ^^

Sophie: Can I ask, how long have you been working with us now?

David: Oh, about three years now. Earning a massive pay-rise. ^^

Sophie: *smiles for a moment, but fades as she thinks* I'm still worried for Jessica, after what happened today...

David: *holding both her hands* Hey, don't worry about it. She's still with us right now, isn't she?

Sophie: But, even so, she still has to attend to that meeting.

David: Well, from what I hear, she has quite a large bodyguard. *referring to Optimus* ^.^

Sophie: *chuckles* She does indeed.

Just then, her phone starts ringing.

David: You gonna answer that?

Sophie: -nod- *takes out her phone, looks* It's Jessica. *answers* Hello....... Now? I see..... Yes, I'm with David.... We'll get there soon.... Okay, bye. *hangs up* She's off to the meeting now.

David: Well, then, seems she's safe alright.

Sophie: I really hope so...

Meanwhile, outside GAWOA HQ, the hangar door opens as another Limosine leaves the hangar, then drives down the streets. It wasn't long until Optimus, in vehicle mode, alongside Tracks and Huffer, were following close-by, as Jessica's guards.

Mike: *riding inside Optimus* I don't like the sound of this, Prime. Three escorts, in the form of civilian vehicles. No way that'll fool our silent enemies - Whoever they are...

Huffer: The human's right, Prime. This is a complete waste o' time! <.<

Optimus: Were are not about to forsake our human friend, Huffer. It is our duty to value her safety, as well as the safety of all humans on this Earth.

Tracks: What I want to know is, why would any humans want to harm one of their own? Seems like a complete waste of time, if you ask me.

Optimus: I don't yet know, Tracks. But it is my intention to find out. Whoever it was whom took the life of Jessica's Father, he shall not find mercy from us...

Meanwhile, in a dark room, illuminated by a computer screen.

???: Commander, the GAWOA leader is on the move again.

????: Excellent. Commence with operation; Apprehension.

Back on the motorway, Jessica looks behind her window, seeing Optimus and his team still behind them, then she looks up ahead.

Tracks: -quietly- Optimus, I detect 5 separate vehicles on approach.

Optimus: Do not engage yet. Wait until they are in closer range.

Jessica looks to her left, as she see's the same green car that attacked her, coming up the motorway. But, this time, there were two more. Then she looks to her right, seeing another two more on the opposite side*

????: *observing this through the monitor* The target is accompanied by three civilian vehicles. Take no cautions with them, second-in-command. For all we know, they're more than meets the eye.

Huffer: *looks to his left,  then scans the license plate on the lead vehicle* Sir, the one to the left is he same one from earlier.

Optimus: I'll handle this one, Huffer.

He speeds up a little, getting alongside the green car.

???: *seeing this* Seems this one is trying to play hero... Prepare the bazooka.

The masked solider pokes out from the car roof, with a bazooka, then takes aim at Optimus.

Jessica: *looks* !!! Oh no!

Optimus: ... *just as the Bazooka aims* 'Roller', now!!

As the back of Prime's trailer opens up, a small six-wheeled, unmanned vehicle drives its way out, luring the attacker's attention away and distracting him. The catches the man's attention and then Roller rams it to one side. He then bleeps back to Optimus.

Optimus: Tracks, commence with operation; Blinding effect!

Tracks: *from one side of his alt. mode, a gun folds out, shooting out a "blinding" black beam into one of the other cars, negating the light and impairing the driver's vision. The driver, loosing control, then spins and stops just before he crashes.

Huffer: One down, four to go.

Roller drives next to Optimus, then bleeps at him again.

Tracks: What did it say?

Optimus: He says, the one in lead is still in pursuit of Jessica! Huffer, get in there, now!

Huffer: Aye aye, sir! 

He drives on ahead, ramming into the side of the lead car, but the car manages to not spin, then rams Huffer back. In the Limo, Jessica watches the chase, before she then picks up her walkie talkie and contacts Optimus.

Jessica: Optimus, you alright?

Optimus: Don't worry about us, Jessica! Your main priority is to make it to that meeting, unharmed.

Tracks: Huffer needs help, Sir!

Huffer: Ah, don't worry 'bout me, Tracks! I'm quite tired o' living anyway!

The three remaning green cars drive after the Limo.

Optimus: No... Must go faster!! 

He separates himself from his trailer, giving himself more acceleration, as he sees the three green cars surrounding the Limo.

Optimus: Not much time left... Mike, do you still have your secret weapon?

Mike: It's right here, Prime! *holding it*

Optimus: Use it! We haven't much time!

Mike leans out from the window, aiming and shooting at one of the cars with an EMP ray. Once the car is hit by the blast, it slowly cuts power and stops, causing the car behind to crash into it from behind, leaving them both out of commission.

Mike: Two down, Prime! Now what?

Optimus: We'll need to find answers... I'll get alongside the one in-lead. You handle the one behind! 

He zooms along, off-of the road, and alongside the lead car.

Optimus: You! Pull over!

Mike: Do it now and no one gets hurt!

???: *stands through the roof* No-one can stop MECH! *brings out his gun, then shoots*

Mike: !!! WHOA! *quickly ducks*

Jessica: *seeing this from the window* Mike! 

A small object shoots through the window, nealry hitting Jessica as it hits the couch she's sitting on, reveling a small speaker-like walkie talkie.

????: *through the speaker* Think you can escape us, Miss August?

Jessica: That voice...

????: I'm delighted you remember me.

Jessica: Whoever you are, GAWOA won't stand for this much insolence any longer!

????: *chuckles* Not until I wipe you out.

Back outside...

Optimus: We must stop them!

Tracks: But how, Prime?

Optimus: Roller, get to Jessica's Limo, now!

Roller responds in compliance, then speeds along and gets alongside the limo, with the lead car on the opposite side.

Jessica: *notices the one in charge is getting out a bazooka* !! -gasp- D:

Mike: *sees this* Oh no... Prime, Jessica's in danger!

Roller bleeps out loud, to get her attention. Jessica turns and sees Roller. Just then, she understands what he wants her to do

Jessica: Stewart, we need to jump out!

Stewart: What?? But ma'am, I--

Jessica: Please!! Just trust me on this!

On cue, both open their doors and commence climbing out.

???: *aiming his bazooka*

????: *watching this happen* There will be no mercy, for the August family...

As both Jessica and Stewart get into position, they both jump, just as the bazooka's missile is fired and it blows up the limo, seemingly catching both humans in the explosion.

Mike: !! NOO!!!

Optimus: JESSICA!!!!!

Just then as the smoke clears, Roller drives on out ahead, with both Jessica and Stewart safely on board.

Optimus: -sigh of relief- Thank the Allspark...

Mike: *relived also, resting his head against the steering wheel, from all the shock* They both made it.

????: Confound it... Second-in-command, withdraw! The mysterious strangers win this round.

Then three remaining green car drives off away from the crash site.

????: *speaking through the Walkie Talkie, which Jessica still had in her hand* You may have won this round, young August. But you too shall soon perish like your father. No-one stands in the way of MECH...

The Walkie Talkie then fizzes out, rendered inoperable, as Roller rolls to the stop to one side, just as the Autobots drive over to them.

Optimus: *pulls over, as do both Tracks and Huffer* Excellent save, Roller. Thanks to you, Jessica is safe and sound.

Roller chirps happily.

Jessica: *gets off-of Roller, as did Stewart* Thank you, Roller. And you too, Optimus. But, I'm afraid they cut the com-link from this walkie - but we at-least know they have a name; MECH.

Track: Lets hope Ratchet, Melita and Wisecrack find any info on that licene plate as well.

Optimus: *summoning his trailer* It's best if you remain with me and Mike, Jessica. Stewart, you can return to base with Tracks and Huffer. We'll continue on ahead, maintaining her safety.

Tracks pulls up and opens his driver door, as Stewart gets in.

Tracks: I'll handle the driving, human. And watch the steering wheel! I don't know where you've been. <.< *drives ahead, with Huffer following close-by*

Roller drives to the back of the trailer and goes back inside, as the hatch shuts behind him. Jessica then climbs up the steps and gets inside Optimus and sits on the passenger's seat.

Mike: *patting her shoulder* You gave us both a pretty good scare there, ma'am.

Jessica: I do try not to make you two panic enough.

Optimus then proceeds on ahead of the motorway, while Tracks and Huffer head down the opposite direction, to get off the motorway.

Back in his dark grotto, the leader of MECH takes the time to analyse these four interfering vehicles on his laptop. Upon further examination, a confirmed Autobot insignia pops up onto the screen.

????: So... The legends are true... *stands up* Sergeant, prepare my copter! We're moving out.

??: Yes, sir.

Back on the motorway, Optimus carries on driving, then he see's the sign saying "4 miles to the City."

Jessica: Just four miles to go now.

Optimus: No signs of any enemy interference so far. Perhaps we'll make it through this in one piece-- *suddenly blasted in the side, by an incoming missile* !!! AAAAGGGHHH!!!!

Jessica: *holds on as did Mike* Optimus!? *she looks at the view mirror and gasp*

Seven green cars chase Optimus, whilst being lead by a copter overhead.

????: *inside the pursuing helicopter* The game is now afoot, my friends.

Meanwhile, back in Sophie's apartment.

David: Sophie, where're you going?

Sophie: *packing her stuff* I just received a call from Optimus. Those attackers are back, and Jessica's caught in the crossfire! I have to help them.

David: No, it's too dangerous!

Sophie: Don't worry, I called Jackson and he's going to help Opitmus, with Beachcomber.

David: Well, then... -sigh- I wish you good luck, Sophie.

Sophie: But hey, if I do come back, you will promise to take me to the pictures, right? ^^

David: *smiles a little* A promise is a promise, Sophie. ^^ Now go. Your boss needs you.

Back in the chase...

Jessica: Optimus, they must've been waiting 'till you were seperated from the others.

Optimus: I never thought I'd say this, but I regret letting Huffer go back as well!

Jessica: Glad Mike contacted Sophire at-least. She'll call back up!

????: *reinforcements, move in now!

The saven green cars move in closer*

Mike: This isn't good, Prime.

Optimus: Your sentiments are as good as mine, Agent Simmons!

As the cars all close in, one gunman stands up through the roof, aiming to fire a bazooka. When suddenly! A blue Dune Buggy jumps in out of nowhere and one of its front tyres smacks the gunman in the face, sending him flying out from the roof and onto the road. Beachcomber lands on his wheels and drives ahead of the cars, with both Jackson and Sophie on board.

Jackson: That'll teach that terrorist!

Sophie: *holding tightly onto one side, while also holding onto her hair as it blows in the wind* Give us some warning, next time you do something like that, Beachcomber!!

Beachcomber: My apologies! I'm not normally one for inflicting violence. But, under these circumstances, Optimus Prime is in danger!

??: *pilots the copter* Definitely not civilian divers.

????: This must confirm my theory, then...

Meanwhile, inside the Nemesis.

Megatron: What's that, Soundwave?

Soundwave: Autobot activity detected, on the move. The signal appears to be also giving off Matrix energy. *shows on his chest monitor, the road to which Optimus and Beachcomber are venturing through*

Megatron: Hmm, so, Optimus Prime is out for a little stroll, is he? And it seems, he is being pursued by unknown vehicles... We cannot squander this opportunity to take him out once and for all, let alone allow those wannabes to claim all the glory for us. *turns to face a group of Decepticlone flyers, lead by Lanch* Decepticons, take to the skies, and bring me the head of Optimus Prime!

Lanch: *bows* At once, my Lord.

Megatron: Excellent...

Back at the chase scene...

????: *speaks through Prime's radio* You like the army I have at my disposal, off-worlder?

Mike: You! How did you get through to us?

Optimus: Obviously, he has cleverly found a way to hack into our communications' system.

????: How very clever of you, outsider.

Jessica: You dare call him an outsider, you terrorist?!

????: Terrorist? Oh, I am no terrorist, my dear Miss. August. I am one whom restores order to planet Earth, vanquishing the extra-terrestrials and purging the unclean. MECH is an established order, dedicated to keeping planet Earth a safe haven for all humanity. But GAWOA does not believe in humanity itself. It would rather welcome alien invaders, rather than annihilate them. That's why your Father had to be put out of the way, and why you must also claim his place in the afterlife; To make sure that Earth is no longer under threat by outsiders.

Jessica: !!! You.... You're that man who took him from me!

Her memory of that day appears in her mind, she as a young child crying out for her father, as he's taken away by two gunmen.

Mike: Who is this? How dare you threaten her family in such a cruel manner!?

????: I am 'Jeremiah Dallas'. And GAWOA's time has finally come.

Back at GAWOA base...

Wisecrack: *still with Melita and the two new recruits* Optimus sure has been gone for some time. How hard can it be to drop someone off to a meeting and back again?

Tracks: Something's wrong...

Melita: I agree with the lad, we'd better get out there.

Huffer: So?

Wisecrack: Well, something must've happened to him out there.

Huffer: Who cares?

Melita: Well, lad, isn't it our duty to assist our leader?

Huffer: ... Yeah, I suppose. -_-

Melita: Ratchet, stay here and keep working on that license plate. The rest, with me!

Back in the chase...

Beachcomber: Sir, we need to get off the road!

Optimus: Understood, Beachcomber. Mike, Jessica, hang on! 

He swerves off-of the road, and along the desert ground.

Jackson: Hold on, Sophie!

Beachcomber swerves off the road, following Optimus as Jackson and Sophie hold on. They look, only to see the seven green cars stop at the edge of the motorway.

Beachcomber: Forgive me if things get a little bumpy, you two!

Jackson: Just keep focused on evading those MECH guys, we'll do our part!

Dallas: There is no escape, my outsider friends... *all of a sudden, several aircrafts zoom past his helicopter* Huh? :?

Sophie: *looks over her shoulder* Never mind them, worry about those guys! *points*

Lanch: *leads the fliers* FIRE!!!

The Decepticlones opens fire with missiles.

Optimus: *looks back, via one of his mirrors* !! Beachcomber, EVASIVE ACTION!!! 

He quickly swerves from side to side, avoiding the incoming missiles, along with Beachcomber.

Beachcomber: Oh my, this we definitely don't need on a road trip!

All the flying 'Cons get in their way, transforming in complete unison and then landing on their feet, blocking the Autobots' path, as Optimus and Beachcomber both skid to a halt.

Jackson: Looks like you've got nowhere to run, boys.

Optimus: Mike, Jessica? Judging by our current situation, it has become absolutely necessary to blow our cover.

He then transforms to robot mode, holding Mike and Jessica in one hand. Jackson and Sophie get out of Beachcomber, just as he transforms to robot mode. Optimus sets Jessica and Mike down as they run behind soem rocks for cover with Jackson and Sophie. MECH'S copter flies overhead, seeing this.

Dallas: *observing this, from his copter* So, the rumours ARE true. Shape-shifting aliens truly do walk among our world.

Lanch: *transforms and lands* So, Optimus, on a field trip with your organic friends of yours? Well, we have a head to collect. *draws her blades*

Optimus: That outcome may be inevitable... *draws out his axe* But not on this day!

Lanch: Attack them!

The Decepticlone flyers attack then two Autobots head-on.

Dallas: *watching both factions come to blows* A war is being waged on our home soil. But whomever the victor, shall soon meet their doom, by my own hand.

Beachcomber shoots one clone down then, then throws another one over a nearby cliff.

Beachcomber: My apologies! Normally, I'd go easy on you, but you're just not being very polite!

Lanch: Only two autobots, against eight of us. What have you got that'll beat us?

???: How about THIS?!

Lanch suddenly receives a swinging wrecking ball to the back, knocking her down, courtesy of Huffer

Tracks: There's more where that came from, sweetheart!

Melita: Sorry we took so long, Sir.

Wisecrack: *punching a Clone in the face* Permission to lend a servo, sir?

Optimus: Permission granted, Wisecrack! *slices through a Clone, with his Axe*

Lanch charges at Optimus, and upon transforming his Axe back into a hand, Optimus soon charges back and locks hands with Lanch's.

Lanch: I won't let you get away this time, Prime!

Optimus: Lanch, we cannot fight here! There are innocent humans in the crossfire here!!

Lanch: Then let them see your demise before their own eyes!

Optimus: Not today! *then uses his strength to throw her aside*

Melita stabs one clone with her dagger, then converts her hand into her blaster, before she shoot another clone down, just as Huffer flattens another down with his wrecking ball.

Jessica watches the fight then look up at the Copter, as Dallas looks down at her, as if their eye are lock into a staredown. Lanch gets up and punches Optimus in the face.

Optimus: !! *turns back* Normally, I'd refrain from hitting a femme...

He turns and kicks her in the belly, sending her flying and hitting the cliffs, before falling on her hands and knees.

Optimus looks back and sees Jessica, just standing there

Optimus: Jessica! Why aren't you hiding!?

Lanch: *looks* Ah-ha!! *charges at them* A human for a kill!

Sophie; JESSICA!!!!

Jessica: Huh!? *looks* -GASP-! D:

Mike: Oh no you don't! 

He aims the EMP gun that he used earlier and fires at Lanch, hitting her in the face. She stops her charge, suddenly having her energy depleted instantly.

Lanch: S-some... Kind-of... EMP ray...! *collapses, luckily not flattening the pair*

Jackson: Mike, you did it!

Decepticlone: *looks* Retreat!!

The two online Clones rush to Lanch, picks her up and then flies off, as the third one transforms and flies after them.

Melita: Run, you chickens!!

Though victorious, Optimus remains focused on Dallas, as he hovers above in his looming Copter.

Optimus: ):<

Dallas: *looking down at Optimus Prime, knowing that he's looking back* Savour your victory this day, off-Worlders. But soon, the day will come when MECH gets its man - With enough technology, to see what makes you all tick...

With that, he departs, as the Autobots walk back to Optimus' side, as did Jessica and the other humans.

Melita: Nice shot, Mike.

Mike: Thank you. I'll always be around to help when ma'am is in danger. And, so is Optimus. ^^

Jackson: Well, that was an easy job, wasn't it?

Beachcomber: Eh, not exactly my way of relaxing, though, Jackson.

Optimus: *kneels down to Jessica* You command a brave squadron, Jessica. Your father would be most proud of you. :)

Jessica: *smiles* Thank you, Optimus. *calmly rests her hand on his hand*

Mike: But now we know we've got another organisation. A human terrorist one.

Optimus: Indeed, Mike. Now, we Autobots know that we stand upon a world that possesses its own Megatron, in human form...

Meanwhile, inside his chopper, Dallas is seen talking to a small screen.

Dallas: Well, my friend? You were right. Your kind does indeed walk upon this Earth.

On the small screen, stood a tall figure. In-appearance, he was completely silhouetted. But his optics glowed a bright blue, in an almost intimidating manner

???: So now you know, Jeremiah Dallas of Earth. The one, formerly known as Orion Pax, walks among the very soil you call home. He calls you his saviour, but... All will come to know their true saviour. And I will show them all that, the fate of all causality lies ready within my grasp, waiting for me to crush it... To end of all causality. The Age of Primes will soon meet its destiny... At the end of all things....
The next instalment in the series, which continues the second series: rp'ed by both myself and Delita-1

A new threat has emerged, in human skin, as the fate of young Jessica August now rests in Optimus Prime's hands.



Transformers (c) Hasbro
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